A database of movie ratings since 1997. Includes film reviews, lists, and polls by Ian Cavalier.


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Movie Ratings & Reviews

Last film added: January 25, 2021. There are currently 1678 films in the database (since 1996).

    Keyword Search Result: "death"

    Search returned all film titles and reviews that contain the keyword "death" out of 1678 total films.
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  1. Movie DetailsGhost Story, A (2017) 10  FantasyFilmometer Best Film of the Year

  3. Movie DetailsGrizzly Man (2005) 9  Documentary/True
  4. Movie DetailsJacket, The (2005) 9  FantasyMind-blowingWith Sex/Nudity
  5. Movie DetailsRun Lola Run (1998) 9  AnimationI own on DVD
  6. Movie DetailsSenna (2011) 9  SportDocumentary/True
  7. Movie DetailsUncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2011) 9  ComedyFantasyObscure/Rare

  9. Movie DetailsAll About My Mother (1999) 8  
  10. Movie DetailsDeath Proof (2007) 8  Horror
  11. Movie DetailsImaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, The (2009) 8  Fantasy
  12. Movie DetailsLife is Beautiful (1998) 8  Comedy
  13. Movie DetailsParanoid Park (2007) 8  
  14. Movie DetailsRogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) 8  FantasySci-Fi
  15. Movie DetailsVanishing of the Bees (2011) 8  Obscure/RareDocumentary/True

  16. GOOD
  17. Movie DetailsBallad of Jack and Rose, The (2005) 7  With Sex/Nudity
  18. Movie DetailsCollection of 2005 Academy Award Nominated Short Films, A (2006) 7  AnimationComedyObscure/RareSci-FiWith Sex/Nudity
  19. Movie DetailsCookie's Fortune (1999) 7  Comedy
  20. Movie DetailsGirl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest, The (2010) 7  Conspiracy
  21. Movie DetailsGirl Who Played with Fire, The (2010) 7  ConspiracyWith Sex/Nudity
  22. Movie DetailsGray Area, The (2010) 7  Obscure/Rare
  23. Movie DetailsGreen Mile, The (1999) 7  Fantasy
  24. Movie DetailsHunger Games, The (2012) 7  ConspiracySci-Fi
  25. Movie DetailsLimey, The (1999) 7  
  26. Movie DetailsRoad Home, The (1999) 7  
  27. Movie DetailsSoaked in Bleach (2015) 7  ConspiracyMusical/MusicDocumentary/True

  28. FAIR
  29. Movie DetailsDeath to 2020 (2020) 6  ComedyTV Shows
  30. Movie DetailsDeath to Smoochy (2002) 6  ComedyMusical/Music
  31. Movie DetailsExtraordinary Tales (2015) 6  AnimationHorrorObscure/Rare
  32. Movie DetailsMeet Joe Black (1998) 6  Fantasy

  34. Movie DetailsFinal Destination (2000) 5  FantasyHorror
  35. Movie DetailsFinal Destination 2 (2003) 5  FantasyHorrorWith Sex/Nudity
  36. Movie DetailsFinal Destination 3 (2006) 5  HorrorWith Sex/Nudity
  37. Movie DetailsTrauma (2004) 5  HorrorObscure/Rare
  38. Movie DetailsWhat Dreams May Come (1998) 5  Fantasy

  40. Movie DetailsDate Movie (2006) CRAP  Comedy
  41. Movie DetailsDay Without a Mexican, A (2004) CRAP  ComedyFantasyObscure/Rare
  42. Movie DetailsEvent Horizon (1997) CRAP  HorrorSci-FiWith Sex/Nudity
  43. Movie DetailsVery Bad Things (1998) CRAP  ComedyWith Sex/Nudity

  44. Statistical ratings distribution of these 37 films (2.2% of total rated films):
    With enough films included, it usually approximates a bell curve with a mean near 6.5...
    (especially when considering that CRAP is 0-4 combined).
    Average rating for these 37 films: 6.7.








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