A database of movie ratings since 1997. Includes film reviews, lists, and polls by Ian Cavalier.


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Movie Ratings & Reviews

Last film added: January 25, 2021. There are currently 1678 films in the database (since 1996).

    Keyword Search Result: "free"

    Search returned all film titles and reviews that contain the keyword "free" out of 1678 total films.
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  1. Movie Details12 Years a Slave (2013) 9  With Sex/NudityDocumentary/TrueAcademy Awards Winner for Best Picture
    Gut-wrenching adaptation of the 1853 autobiography of free-born Solomon Northup who was abducted into slavery.
  2. Movie DetailsDjango Unchained (2012) 9  With Sex/Nudity
    Tarantino's story of a freed slave, German bounty hunter and brutal Mississippi plantation owner. Nuts.
  3. Movie DetailsRed Turtle, The (2017) 9  AnimationFantasyI own on DVD
    A man stranded on a deserted island encounters an enormous red turtle. Dialogue-free Japanese fable.
  4. Movie DetailsSong of the Sea (2014) 9  AnimationFantasyI own on DVD
    Magical journey of Irish siblings to free fairy creatures trapped in the modern world. Beautiful.
  5. Movie DetailsThrough the Wormhole - Season 1 (2010) 9  Mind-blowingSci-FiDocumentary/TrueTV Shows
    Compelling TV series that explores the deepest mysteries of human existence. Hosted by Morgan Freeman.

  7. Movie DetailsFreedom on the Fence (2005) 8  Obscure/RareDocumentary/True
    A documentary project about the culturally iconic art of Polish posters under the USSR regime.
  8. Movie DetailsGirl Who Leapt Through Time, The (2008) 8  AnimationComedySci-Fi
    A Tokyo teen discovers she can suddenly time-travel. She mostly does it frivolously, and paradox-free.
  9. Movie DetailsLucky Number Slevin (2006) 8  With Sex/NuditySport
    A clever Pulp Fictionesque story of violent revenge featuring rival crime bosses Kingsley and Freeman.
  10. Movie DetailsUnmade Beds (2009) 8  ComedyObscure/RareWith Sex/Nudity
    The stories of Vera and Axl intersect via artsy, free-spirited squatters in a London warehouse.

  11. GOOD
  12. Movie DetailsFrequencies (2014) 7  Obscure/RareSci-Fi
    Ambitiously explores philosophical notions of fate and free will in an alternate reality of frequencies.
  13. Movie DetailsGirlfriend Experience, The (2009) 7  With Sex/Nudity
    Soderbergh's experimental film about free enterprise via the life of a high-end Manhattan call girl.
  14. Movie DetailsLife is to Whistle (1998) 7  Obscure/Rare
    Three characters in present-day Havana must choose between their self-restricting beliefs or living more freely.

  15. FAIR
  16. Movie DetailsFreeway (1996) 6  Comedy
    Little Red Riding Hood adapted into a corrosive, white-trash, road-crime movie. Stars Reese Witherspoon.

  18. Movie DetailsKiss the Girls (1997) 5  
    The first of many mediocre Ashley Judd crime thrillers. This one also stars Morgan Freeman.

  20. Movie DetailsHard Rain (1998) CRAP  
    I could not suspend my disbelief. This flood-ravaged trainwreck of a thriller stars Morgan Freeman.

  21. Statistical ratings distribution of these 15 films (0.9% of total rated films):
    With enough films included, it usually approximates a bell curve with a mean near 6.5...
    (especially when considering that CRAP is 0-4 combined).
    Average rating for these 15 films: 7.4.








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