A database of movie ratings since 1997. Includes film reviews, lists, and polls by Ian Cavalier.


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Movie Ratings & Reviews

Last film added: January 25, 2021. There are currently 1678 films in the database (since 1996).

    Keyword Search Result: "hell"

    Search returned all film titles and reviews that contain the keyword "hell" out of 1678 total films.
    Current Display: Mouseover BubblesSwitch to: Printed Fulltext

  1. Movie DetailsGirl Walks Home Alone at Night, A (2015) 9  FantasyHorrorWith Sex/Nudity
  2. Movie DetailsWhiplash (2014) 9  Musical/Music

  4. Movie DetailsConjuring, The (2013) 8  HorrorDocumentary/True
  5. Movie DetailsDrag Me to Hell (2009) 8  Horror
  6. Movie DetailsHellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) 8  FantasyHorrorComic Book/Superhero
  7. Movie DetailsMindscape of Alan Moore, The (2003) 8  Obscure/RareComic Book/SuperheroDocumentary/True
  8. Movie DetailsSkin I Live In, The (2011) 8  HorrorSci-FiWith Sex/Nudity
  9. Movie DetailsTHX 1138: The George Lucas Director's Cut (2004) 8  Sci-FiWith Sex/Nudity

  10. GOOD
  11. Movie DetailsFrom Hell (2001) 7  ConspiracyHorrorWith Sex/NudityComic Book/SuperheroDocumentary/True
  12. Movie DetailsGhost in the Shell (2017) 7  Sci-Fi
  13. Movie DetailsGirlfight (2000) 7  Sport
  14. Movie DetailsHellboy (2004) 7  FantasyHorrorComic Book/Superhero
  15. Movie DetailsHellboy Animated: Blood and Iron (2007) 7  AnimationFantasyHorrorObscure/RareComic Book/SuperheroTV Shows
  16. Movie DetailsHello World: Confronting Bias in Software (2020) 7  Obscure/RareDocumentary/True
  17. Movie DetailsHigh Art (1998) 7  Obscure/RareWith Sex/Nudity
  18. Movie DetailsLodge, The (2019) 7  HorrorWith Sex/Nudity
  19. Movie DetailsMy Week with Marilyn (2011) 7  Documentary/True
  20. Movie DetailsRoad to Nowhere (2011) 7  Obscure/RareWith Sex/Nudity

  21. FAIR
  22. Movie DetailsDante's Inferno: An Animated Epic (2010) 6  AnimationHorrorObscure/RareWith Sex/Nudity
  23. Movie DetailsGive 'em Hell, Malone (2009) 6  Obscure/RareWith Sex/Nudity
  24. Movie DetailsHellboy Animated: Sword of Storms (2006) 6  AnimationFantasyHorrorObscure/RareComic Book/SuperheroTV Shows
  25. Movie DetailsTomorrow Never Dies (1997) 6  
  26. Movie DetailsWhat Lies Beneath (2000) 6  Horror

  28. Movie DetailsHarvard Man (2001) 5  ComedyObscure/RareSport
  29. Movie DetailsHellevator: The Bottled Fools (2005) 5  HorrorObscure/RareSci-Fi
  30. Movie DetailsLittle Nicky (2000) 5  ComedyFantasy
  31. Movie DetailsUnderworld (2003) 5  FantasyHorror

  33. Movie DetailsCruel Intentions (1999) CRAP  
  34. Movie DetailsI Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) CRAP  Horror
  35. Movie DetailsReturn, The (2006) CRAP  

  36. Statistical ratings distribution of these 30 films (1.8% of total rated films):
    With enough films included, it usually approximates a bell curve with a mean near 6.5...
    (especially when considering that CRAP is 0-4 combined).
    Average rating for these 30 films: 6.5.








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