A database of movie ratings since 1997. Includes film reviews, lists, and polls by Ian Cavalier.


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Movie Ratings & Reviews

Last film added: January 25, 2021. There are currently 1678 films in the database (since 1996).

    Keyword Search Result: "lynch"

    Search returned all film titles and reviews that contain the keyword "lynch" out of 1678 total films.
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  1. Movie DetailsEraserhead 2000 (2001) 10  FantasyHorrorMind-blowingI own on DVD
    David Lynch's restored first feature film. A nightmarish 1977 masterpiece of grotesque, eerie postindustrial life.
  2. Movie DetailsInland Empire (2006) 10  Mind-blowingWith Sex/NudityI own on DVD
    Lynch examines Hollywood and its artistic constraints in a bizarre/long jumble of movies within movies.
  3. Movie DetailsLost Highway (1997) 10  HorrorMind-blowingWith Sex/NudityI own on DVDFilmometer Best Film of the Year
    David Lynch's brilliant cinematic Möbius strip of paranoia, adultery, murder, and Freudian psychology.
  4. Movie DetailsMulholland Drive (2001) 10  ConspiracyMind-blowingWith Sex/NudityI own on DVD
    David Lynch directs a dark Hollywood conspiracy about the psychosis of becoming someone else.
  5. Movie DetailsShort Films of David Lynch, The (2002) 10  HorrorObscure/RareI own on DVD
    A detailed DVD collection of Lynch's six short films, dating 1966 to 1996. Horrifically odd.

  7. Movie DetailsStraight Story, The (1999) 9  Documentary/True
    A David Lynch and Disney anomaly. An old man rides his tractor across the Midwest.
  8. Movie DetailsTwin Peaks - The Definitive Gold Box Edition (2007) 9  FantasyHorrorMind-blowingSci-FiTV ShowsI own on DVD
    David Lynch's groundbreaking 1990-91 TV series. It's a paranormal murder mystery set in northern Washington.
  9. Movie DetailsTwin Peaks: The Return (2017) 9  FantasyHorrorMind-blowingSci-FiWith Sex/NudityTV Shows
    David Lynch revisits the surreal, mystical character of a quaint Washington town 25 years later.

  11. Movie DetailsDavid Lynch: The Art Life (2017) 8  Obscure/RareDocumentary/TrueI own on DVD
    Lynch discusses his early life, his art and his creative process. Meditative smoking and painting.
  12. Movie DetailsDynamic:01 - The Best Of DavidLynch.com (2007) 8  HorrorObscure/RareI own on DVD
    A collection of short films and interviews created for subscribing members of DavidLynch.com. Weird experiments.
  13. Movie DetailsRabbits (2002) 8  ComedyFantasyHorrorObscure/Rare
    David Lynch's nine-episode sitcom starring people in rabbit suits, accompanied by laugh tracks. Plotless, eerie.
  14. Movie DetailsReality (2015) 8  ComedyMind-blowingObscure/Rare
    Surreal, compelling nonsense from absurdist Dupieux, who has taken a page from Lynch's Mulholland Drive.

  15. GOOD
  16. Movie DetailsGreat Directors (2010) 7  Obscure/RareWith Sex/NudityDocumentary/True
    Conversations with 10 of the world's greatest living directors, including David Lynch and Richard Linklater.
  17. Movie DetailsMy Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done (2010) 7  Documentary/True
    Werner Herzog and David Lynch! A disturbed man mysteriously slays his mother with a sword.
  18. Movie DetailsWhat Did Jack Do? (2020) 7  ComedyFantasyObscure/Rare
    Short, absurd critique of the crime genre. Lynch interrogates a talking monkey suspected of murder.

  19. FAIR
  20. Movie DetailsHomegrown (1998) 6  ComedyObscure/RareWith Sex/Nudity
    Small-time marijuana-grower Billy Bob Thornton and Kelly Lynch try to get rich following a murder.

  22. Movie DetailsSurveillance (2009) 5  Conspiracy
    A crude, unsettling thriller by Jennifer Lynch. It's a disappointment, but Bill Pullman is great.

  23. Statistical ratings distribution of these 17 films (1% of total rated films):
    With enough films included, it usually approximates a bell curve with a mean near 6.5...
    (especially when considering that CRAP is 0-4 combined).
    Average rating for these 17 films: 8.3.








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