Shapeshifting skyscraper, post-apocalyptic movies, logos

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Rotating skyscraper First, this is cool: “A Shapeshifting Skyscraper in Miami’s Skyline?” (In related news, now you can reserve an apartment in the first rotating skyscraper in Dubai, thanks to Italian architect David Fisher.)

Second, Boris the cat has his own music video.

Third, let’s make some subtitles for this post.


In addition to my “10 films to watch in 2009” list from three days ago, a friend has informed me that I should also consider these two forthcoming Viggo Mortensen films: Good and The Road. He references this Mortensen interview.

On a related note, see this Wired article: “Postapocalypse Now! 8 Devastating Coming Attractions.” The list includes The Road and seven other post-apocalyptic movies with late 2008 or early 2009 releases. I need to check these out, including City of Ember.

It is rumored that Christopher Nolan wants to make a movie based on the awesome 1967-68 television series “The Prisoner.” This must happen!

The Shawshank Redemption
If the Academy Award-nominated Shawshank Redemption was made in 1983, this is probably what the last twenty minutes would look like: Awesome 80’s Montage: Shawshank. Also see rare, deleted scenes from The Shawshank Redemption on YouTube. I love the first scene’s use of Donovan’s “Season of the Witch,” but I don’t think any of those scenes improve the movie.

Spider-Man 3, PS3 and OS logos Logos

It has been well documented that the PlayStation 3 logo font looks a lot like (well, exactly like) the Spider-Man font. Why? Read this: “Blame Kutaragi For PS3 ‘Spider-Man’ Logo.” I’m bringing this up because a friend pointed out the other day that Oregon State University’s new OS logo/typeface also looks quite a bit like the Spider-Man/PS3 font, if unitalicized (see inset graphic). For more information on the Oregon State Beavers Athletic and Merchandising visual identity system, I give you this: History of OS Athletic Logo. Hmm.

This logo-related article is also of interest to me: “The Stories Behind Hollywood Studio Logos.”

Color themes

Need a color scheme for your graphic design, interior decoration or corporate brand? Adobe’s Kuler is fun to play with. It’s a web-hosted application for generating color themes, including palettes based on images.


Let’s end this with some links to weird TV commercials: “Gaming commercials that’ll make you say WTF!?” and Nokia N96 – Bruce Lee Ping Pong.

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