“All Love is Fleeting” by Ian Cavalier

Monday, July 29, 2002

I completed my first short film today, titled All Love is Fleeting. It is 2:35 long and was shot using a crappy super 8 camera (that we borrowed from the Northwest Film Center in Portland) on Kodak Tri-X reversal film.

This film was storyboarded in one day, shot in one day, and edited in one day. My co-director Sean and I had a budget of less than $100, which basically covered the purchase and processing of several rolls of super 8 film. We filmed the chase sequence on the edge of Portland State University, on SW 9th Ave (past the NW Film Center’s Guild Theatre), and in the SmartPark garage on 10th and Yamhill in Portland. The actors are Sean’s sister and his friend.

I created the digital video you see embedded below by projecting our film onto a screen at the NW Film Center and recording it with my Canon PowerShot digital camera in video mode. As you may notice, the quality is, uh, less than ideal. Plus, since my digital camera can only record 30 second video clips, I had to keep pausing and rewinding the film in order to have enough overlap on each AVI file to splice them all together on the computer afterward! As a result, the digital transfer process was retardedly tedious, but I didn’t want to pay anyone to transfer a film this mediocre. Anyway… enjoy! It’s only two minutes of your life, I mean, c’mon.

If you move your mouse over the Flash video below, a menu will appear with Play, Pause, Stop, and Mute buttons. You may have to wait a few moments for it to load before it will play all the way through.

    [kml_flashembed movie=”/spiralnotepad/videos/flvplay.swf?streamName=/spiralnotepad/videos/2002/IanCavalier-AllLoveIsFleeting.flv&skinName=/spiralnotepad/videos/flvskin&autoPlay=false&autoRewind=true” width=”160″ height=”120″ quality=”high” scale=”noscale” wmode=”transparent” fversion=”7,0,19,0″ /]

Oh yeah, the songs I used are “Just Like You Imagined” by Nine Inch Nails and “Fell in Love with a Girl” by the White Stripes.

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