Hubert Davis is the NBA’s lucky penny

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

NBA Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new good luck charm in the NBA.

So you want to win 13 games in a row? Sign this guy:

Hubert Davis

Hubert Davis has not lost in 26 games. Not since Christmas. He was released by the Pistons after they won 13 straight. Now he has won 13 in a row with New Jersey, who signed him a week after Detroit’s release.

From To Team Win Streak
2003-12-27 2004-01-19 Detroit Pistons
13 games
2004-01-27 2004-02-24 New Jersey Nets 13 games

Additional notes: New Jersey had lost 7 of 9 games before aquiring Davis. Since releasing Davis on January 20, Detroit is 6-11; in fact, their win streak ended only hours after releasing Davis.

Also, last month it was announced that the Nets are headed to Brooklyn, to become the Brooklyn Nets. That moniker just slides right off the tongue, now doesn’t it? So pretty.

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