Music, YouTube memes, cell phone science

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jenny Lewis has a new album out called Acid Tongue. Okkervil River and UNKLE released albums this month too. I’ve been enjoying Beck’s Modern Guilt, featuring Cat Power. Johnny Cash died five years ago last week.

The current Nine Inch Nails tour performances are apparently awesome, with a sophisticated trio of transparent “stealth” screens and real-time video mixing. “For the band’s current Lights in the Sky tour, Reznor has not only raised the bar for what’s possible in an arena tour, but has also produced what could arguably be one of the most technologically ambitious rock productions ever conceived.” Read the article: “NIN Dazzles With Lasers, LEDs and Stealth Screens.”

10 YouTube videos The Grape Digging Sharon Fruits have released a new album, It’s Way Past Your Bedtime, which is free to download from their site Plus they’ve recently added better quality mp3 downloads of their first two releases.

In case you’ve missed out on some past Internet memes from YouTube, Wired has a tidy list for you: “Gallery: 10 YouTube Videos Destined for the Big Screen.” A quick rundown: (1) Miss South Carolina 2007, (2) Charlie Bit My Finger, (3) Star Wars Kid, (4) Charlie the Unicorn, (5) Shoes, (6) Brokeback to the Future, (7) Chocolate Rain, (8) Battle at Kruger, (9) Potter Puppet Pals and (10) Evolution of Dance. I think I’ve linked to most of these videos from this blog at one time or another.

Here are two new articles about cell phone-related health issues (and by “health issues,” I mean cancer): “Mobile phone use ‘raises children’s risk of brain cancer fivefold’” and “The toll of technology.” Mmm, radiation.

Check out these great stingray photos: “Golden Ray photos of amazing mass migration.” Here’s a quote: “Looking like giant leaves floating in the sea thousands of Golden Rays are seen here gathering off the coast of Mexico.”

Summer is over.

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