Web development, technology and the End Times

Monday, August 3, 2009

Web development

Private Twitter site using WordPress Here are some useful articles and handy resources for web developers:

Social media

This is interesting: “Social Media’s Effect on Learning.”

Maybe we shouldn’t quite finish digging the grave for MySpace: “MySpace to Unveil Integration With Sites Around the Web, Using Open Standards.” Now under new management!


From New Scientist: “Innovation: Award-winning product design of 2009.” Products include a tastable cookbook and the Haptic Reader (which makes non-Braille books accessible to the blind).

The age of artificially intelligent, conscious machines is coming: “Smart machines: What’s the worst that could happen?

But this is already terrifyingly here: “Britain To Put CCTV Cameras Inside Private Homes.”

All of this kind of leads into: “Mayan End-Of-The-World Prediction Spurs Debate.”

Dr. Tran - Fruit Hat Entertainment

On YouTube: VintageTVCommercials is an online resource for public domain TV commercials of the 1950s through the 1980s. The NimporteQui.com channel has some pretty funny videos. And cyriak‘s channel has some interesting animation.

You can also watch episodes of  “Dr. Tran” at YouTube. It’s quite a good cartoon.

I like Monkeybicycle, a literary journal and website.

David Rees vs. Jamba Juice

David Rees, creator of the Get Your War On webcomic, is not happy: “No Justice, Part II: Boycott Jamba Juice!” I like some of the comments to the Boing Boing article: “Jamba Juice accused of stealing ‘Get Your War On’ artist’s work“:

  • RyanH: “people are upset with Jamba Juice for being no-talent classless dicks. Not due to any belief that they have done something illegal.”
  • Anonymous: “The only way this could have have been a lazier steal – is if they had called it ‘Get your juice on’. . .”

Funny. And also lame.

I’ll leave you with this: “Water Soluble Bikini Is One Cruel Prank.”

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