Welcome to Filmometer!
This site features sortable film ratings
and "15 Word Reviews" of movies released since 1997.
You will also find weekly movie polls and
a growing number of movie lists.
How does the ratings system work? Learn more about Filmometer.
The movie lists section contains some of my own picks, plus lists including the AFI's top 100 American films and the Academy Awards Winners for Best Picture. The links page provides additional online resources for film enthusiasts. Below you will find a random sampling of films reviewed by Filmometer. Thanks for visiting!

Featured films for
Monday, March 31, 2025 at 2:47 pm

Do you have any movie recommendations? Perhaps you have a complaint to file about the film ratings or 15-word reviews? Ladies and gentleman, one and all, feel free to air your grievances! There's no need to wait until the annual Festivus celebration. Take this opportunity to share.
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