Movie Ratings & Reviews
Last film added: January 25, 2021. There are currently 1678 films in the database (since 1996).
- Pi (1998) 10
A paranoid mathematician searches for a number to unlock the universal patterns found in nature. - Machinist, The (2004) 9
Insomniac industrial worker Christian Bale is a walking skeleton in this paranoid schizophrenic thriller. - Michael Clayton (2007) 9
This paranoid, intelligent legal thriller stars Clooney as a large New York law firm's fixer. - Take Shelter (2011) 9
Tense, haunting film about a father being driven mad by apocalyptic visions. Paranoid or prophetic? - Paranoid Park (2007) 8
Dreamlike, fractured story about a young Portland skateboarder's life and a security guard's accidental death. - Conspiracy Theory (1997) 7
Paranoid Mel Gibson collects 'The Catcher in the Rye' books and Julia Roberts likes horsies. - Snowden (2016) 7
A paranoid thriller, plus ethical dilemma, about leaking the NSA's illegal surveillance techniques. Gordon-Levitt stars. - Zero Effect (1998) 7
Bill Pullman is private investigator Daryl Zero, a paranoid genius investigating blackmail. One-liners abound.
Keyword Search Result: "paranoid"
Search returned all film titles and reviews that contain the keyword "paranoid" out of 1678 total films.MASTERPIECES
Statistical ratings distribution of these 8 films (0.5% of total rated films):
With enough films included, it usually approximates a bell curve with a mean near 6.5...
(especially when considering that CRAP is 0-4 combined).
Average rating for these 8 films: 8.3.
10: | 12.5% |
9: | 37.5% |
8: | 12.5% |
7: | 37.5% |
6: | 0% |
5: | 0% |
CRAP: | 0% |
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