Movie Ratings & Reviews
Last film added: January 25, 2021. There are currently 1678 films in the database (since 1996).
- Artist, The (2011) 10
- Hurt Locker, The (2009) 10
- Moonlight (2016) 10
- Parasite (2019) 10
- 12 Years a Slave (2013) 9
- American Beauty (1999) 9
- Argo (2012) 9
- Birdman (2014) 9
- Departed, The (2006) 9
- King's Speech, The (2010) 9
- Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003) 9
- Million Dollar Baby (2004) 9
- No Country for Old Men (2007) 9
- Shape of Water, The (2017) 9
- Slumdog Millionaire (2008) 9
- Spotlight (2015) 9
- Titanic (1997) 9
- Crash (2005) 8
- English Patient, The (1996) 8
- Green Book (2018) 8
- Shakespeare in Love (1998) 8
- Beautiful Mind, A (2001) 7
- Chicago (2002) 7
- Gladiator (2000) 6
Academy Awards Winners for Best Picture (1996-2025)
Search returned all Oscar-winning films for Best Picture out of 1678 total rated films. Show complete Best Picture winners list.MASTERPIECES
Statistical ratings distribution of these 24 films (1.4% of total rated films):
With enough films included, it usually approximates a bell curve with a mean near 6.5...
(especially when considering that CRAP is 0-4 combined).
Average rating for these 24 films: 8.7.
10: | 16.7% |
9: | 54.2% |
8: | 16.7% |
7: | 8.3% |
6: | 4.2% |
5: | 0% |
CRAP: | 0% |
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