Movie Ratings & Reviews
Last film added: January 25, 2021. There are currently 1678 films in the database (since 1996).

Amazing Screw-On Head, The (2006) 10
Inland Empire (2006) 10
Pan's Labyrinth (2006) 10
Planet Earth (2006) 10
Scanner Darkly, A (2006) 10
V for Vendetta (2006) 10
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glo... (2006) 9
Brand Upon the Brain! A Remembrance in 12 Chapters (2006) 9
Child, The (2006) 9
Departed, The (2006) 9
Inconvenient Truth, An (2006) 9
Prestige, The (2006) 9
Prisoner - Complete Series Megaset, The (2006) 9
Science of Sleep, The (2006) 9
Stranger Than Fiction (2006) 9
Aura, The (2006) 8
Brick (2006) 8
Bubble (2006) 8
Cars (2006) 8
Clear Cut: The Story of Philomath, Oregon (2006) 8
Fast Food Nation (2006) 8
Fountain, The (2006) 8
Half Nelson (2006) 8
Illusionist, The (2006) 8
Kinamand (2006) 8
Little Miss Sunshine (2006) 8
Lucky Number Slevin (2006) 8
Venture Bros. - Seasons One and Two, The (2006) 8
Apocalypto (2006) 7
Book of the Dead, The (2006) 7
Clerks II (2006) 7
Collection of 2005 Academy Award Nominated Short Films, A (2006) 7
Good Shepherd, The (2006) 7
History Boys, The (2006) 7
Match Point (2006) 7
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006) 7
Piano Tuner of Earthquakes, The (2006) 7
Sherrybaby (2006) 7
Silent Hill (2006) 7
Superman Returns (2006) 7
Winter Passing (2006) 7
Crank (2006) 6
Déjà Vu (2006) 6
Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus (2006) 6
Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms (2006) 6
Night at the Museum (2006) 6
Night Watch (2006) 6
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) 6
Snakes on a Plane (2006) 6
Tideland (2006) 6
Feed (2006) 5
Final Destination 3 (2006) 5
Stay Alive (2006) 5
Date Movie (2006) CRAP
Eragon (2006) CRAP
Failure to Launch (2006) CRAP
Return, The (2006) CRAP
Underworld: Evolution (2006) CRAP
2006 Releases
Search returned all films from 2006 out of 1678 total rated films.

Statistical ratings distribution of these 58 films (3.5% of total rated films):
With enough films included, it usually approximates a bell curve with a mean near 6.5...
(especially when considering that CRAP is 0-4 combined).
Average rating for these 58 films: 7.2.
10: | 10.3% |
9: | 15.5% |
8: | 22.4% |
7: | 22.4% |
6: | 15.5% |
5: | 5.2% |
CRAP: | 8.6% |

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