A database of movie ratings since 1997. Includes film reviews, lists, and polls by Ian Cavalier.


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Movie Ratings & Reviews

Last film added: January 25, 2021. There are currently 1678 films in the database (since 1996).

    2014 Releases

    Search returned all films from 2014 out of 1678 total rated films.
    Current Display: Mouseover BubblesSwitch to: Printed Fulltext

  1. Movie DetailsBoyhood (2014) 10  Filmometer Best Film of the Year
  2. Movie DetailsDance of Reality, The (2014) 10  FantasyObscure/RareWith Sex/NudityDocumentary/TrueI own on DVD
  3. Movie DetailsEnemy (2014) 10  Mind-blowingWith Sex/Nudity
  4. Movie DetailsGrand Budapest Hotel, The (2014) 10  ComedyWith Sex/Nudity
  5. Movie DetailsHer (2014) 10  ComedySci-FiWith Sex/Nudity
  6. Movie DetailsInterstellar (2014) 10  Mind-blowingSci-Fi

  8. Movie DetailsBirdman (2014) 9  ComedyAcademy Awards Winner for Best Picture
  9. Movie DetailsBlack Mirror - Seasons 1-2 (2014) 9  ComedySci-FiWith Sex/NudityTV Shows
  10. Movie DetailsCitizenfour (2014) 9  ConspiracyObscure/RareDocumentary/True
  11. Movie DetailsDouble, The (2014) 9  Comedy
  12. Movie DetailsEdge of Tomorrow (2014) 9  Mind-blowingSci-Fi
  13. Movie DetailsJodorowsky's Dune (2014) 9  Obscure/RareDocumentary/True
  14. Movie DetailsLego Movie, The (2014) 9  AnimationComedy
  15. Movie DetailsLocke (2014) 9  
  16. Movie DetailsSong of the Sea (2014) 9  AnimationFantasyI own on DVD
  17. Movie DetailsUnder the Skin (2014) 9  HorrorSci-FiWith Sex/Nudity
  18. Movie DetailsWhiplash (2014) 9  Musical/Music

  20. Movie DetailsBabadook, The (2014) 8  Horror
  21. Movie DetailsBig Hero 6 (2014) 8  AnimationComedySci-Fi
  22. Movie DetailsComet (2014) 8  ComedyMind-blowingSci-Fi
  23. Movie DetailsCongress, The (2014) 8  AnimationMind-blowingSci-Fi
  24. Movie DetailsCosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey - Episodes 1-7 (2014) 8  Documentary/TrueTV Shows
  25. Movie DetailsDawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) 8  Sci-Fi
  26. Movie DetailsGone Girl (2014) 8  With Sex/Nudity
  27. Movie DetailsImitation Game, The (2014) 8  ConspiracyDocumentary/True
  28. Movie DetailsNightcrawler (2014) 8  
  29. Movie DetailsNymphomaniac: Volume I (2014) 8  With Sex/Nudity
  30. Movie DetailsOne I Love, The (2014) 8  ComedyMind-blowingObscure/Rare
  31. Movie DetailsOnly Lovers Left Alive (2014) 8  HorrorWith Sex/Nudity
  32. Movie DetailsSnowpiercer (2014) 8  Sci-FiComic Book/Superhero
  33. Movie DetailsTale of the Princess Kaguya, The (2014) 8  AnimationFantasy
  34. Movie DetailsTheory of Everything, The (2014) 8  Documentary/True
  35. Movie DetailsWhat We Do in the Shadows (2014) 8  ComedyFantasyHorror

  36. GOOD
  37. Movie DetailsBefore I Disappear (2014) 7  Obscure/Rare
  38. Movie DetailsBoxtrolls, The (2014) 7  AnimationComedyFantasy
  39. Movie DetailsBrief History of Graphics, A (2014) 7  Obscure/RareDocumentary/True
  40. Movie DetailsDark Star: H.R. Giger's World (2014) 7  Obscure/RareDocumentary/True
  41. Movie DetailsDisappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them, The (2014) 7  Obscure/Rare
  42. Movie DetailsFor No Good Reason (2014) 7  Obscure/RareDocumentary/True
  43. Movie DetailsFrequencies (2014) 7  Obscure/RareSci-Fi
  44. Movie DetailsGod Forgive Us (2014) 7  Obscure/RareWith Sex/Nudity
  45. Movie DetailsGuardians of the Galaxy (2014) 7  Sci-FiComic Book/Superhero
  46. Movie DetailsIn Your Eyes (2014) 7  Obscure/Rare
  47. Movie DetailsLucy (2014) 7  Sci-Fi
  48. Movie DetailsMood Indigo (2014) 7  AnimationComedyFantasyWith Sex/Nudity
  49. Movie DetailsNo No: A Dockumentary (2014) 7  Obscure/RareSport
  50. Movie DetailsNymphomaniac: Volume II (2014) 7  With Sex/Nudity
  51. Movie DetailsOculus (2014) 7  HorrorMind-blowing
  52. Movie DetailsRosewater (2014) 7  Obscure/RareDocumentary/True
  53. Movie DetailsSin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) 7  With Sex/NudityComic Book/Superhero
  54. Movie DetailsWho is Dayani Cristal? (2014) 7  Obscure/RareDocumentary/True
  55. Movie DetailsYoung & Beautiful (2014) 7  With Sex/Nudity
  56. Movie DetailsZero Theorem, The (2014) 7  FantasySci-FiWith Sex/Nudity

  57. FAIR
  58. Movie DetailsGodzilla (2014) 6  Sci-Fi
  59. Movie DetailsHunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1, The (2014) 6  ConspiracySci-Fi
  60. Movie DetailsJack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart (2014) 6  AnimationFantasyMusical/MusicObscure/Rare

  62. Movie DetailsInterview, The (2014) 5  ComedyWith Sex/Nudity

  63. Statistical ratings distribution of these 57 films (3.4% of total rated films):
    With enough films included, it usually approximates a bell curve with a mean near 6.5...
    (especially when considering that CRAP is 0-4 combined).
    Average rating for these 57 films: 7.9.








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