A database of movie ratings since 1997. Includes film reviews, lists, and polls by Ian Cavalier.


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Movie Ratings & Reviews

Last film added: January 25, 2021. There are currently 1678 films in the database (since 1996).

    Keyword Search Result: "myth"

    Search returned all film titles and reviews that contain the keyword "myth" out of 1678 total films.
    Current Display: Printed FulltextSwitch to: Mouseover Bubbles

  1. Movie DetailsBig Fish (2003) 10  ComedyFantasy
    A son learns about his dying storyteller father by piecing together his legends and myths.
  2. Movie DetailsDance of Reality, The (2014) 10  FantasyObscure/RareWith Sex/NudityDocumentary/TrueI own on DVD
    Jodorowsky bares his soul through a dreamlike, mythical retelling of his childhood in Chile. Provocative.

  4. Movie DetailsLighthouse, The (2019) 9  FantasyHorrorWith Sex/Nudity
    The madness of two Maine lighthouse keepers in the 1890s. Claustrophobic, mythological, and meticulously shot.
  5. Movie DetailsPrincess Mononoke (1997) 9  AnimationFantasy
    Miyazaki presents a mythological tale of civilization encroaching on the beast gods of the forest.

  7. Movie DetailsChronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrob... (2005) 8  Fantasy
    Four British children travel through a magical wardrobe into C.S. Lewis's mythical land of Narnia.
  8. Movie DetailsProposition, The (2005) 8  Musical/Music
    Violent and mythological. Nick Cave wrote the screenplay and scored this Australian Western about retribution.

  9. GOOD
  10. Movie DetailsLife Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The (2004) 7  ComedyWith Sex/Nudity
    Oceanographer Bill Murray leads a surreal voyage in search of a mythical jaguar shark.

  11. Statistical ratings distribution of these 7 films (0.4% of total rated films):
    With enough films included, it usually approximates a bell curve with a mean near 6.5...
    (especially when considering that CRAP is 0-4 combined).
    Average rating for these 7 films: 8.7.








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